Welcome to my website!

Here you can find a summary of my past professional work,
as well as the interests and experiences that drive me in my present and future

In a world where you can be anything, be kind”

Why this website?

I felt that a regular curriculum vitae, while helpful in quickly identifying key points of my professional past, was missing a significant part of the experiences that shaped my knowledge, skills and lifestyle as much as my work life.

So I decided to build this personal portfolio website in order to highlight and share, albeit briefly, all such experiences that have contributed to my ongoing growth.

Needless to say, it has also been a fun challenge and a chance to acquire some website building concepts!

So, get to know me better !

Hi, I’m Fede! 👋

Fundamentally, I am just a curious human animal.
Most days I am terrified of the challenges that this life poses, but I do not let myself be discouraged and try to embark in new learning experiences whenever possible.
Insofar as I can, I want to help make this world better everyday.